[Valid Atom 1.0] BarbaraEllen: Writers' Read.

Writers' Read.

Writers' Read.

Narrative. Memoir. Review. The creatively minded & non-fiction inclined: enter here. Because I am a creative non-fiction writer who concentrates on memoir, I embue all BarbaraEllen posts with the same attention to literary technique & element. The posts on this page? They tend to--ahem--elaborate more. Because I write the way I speak, I hope you find these to be not your typical read.

Commentary. BULLY. Stand for the Silent.

Narrative. #ROCkin that Spidey-Sense.

Essay. Gay Rights = Human Rights.

Essay. Because of She. Roc Tattoo.

Ode. To the Old Craic. To the New Craic. And To All the Sha-nnon-agans In Between.

Ode. To The Late Mr. Klonks (Klondike).

Editorial. Why Don't We Talk About Suicide? Mental Health as a Buzz Word.

Review. Why Allure Nov 2012 with Lauren Conrad Demands a Spot on the Bookshelf.

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Not your typical BarbaraEllen ... but still be constructive. Creative also welcome! xo.